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What Was the Price?

I can’t help but wonder, in passing what the agreed upon price for the Senate seat finally was? How much money had to pass between them to get Blago to name Burris? [1]

Before you start tuning up your defenses, saying that we have no evidence of any of that happening, we do have the record of Blagojevich, whose every action was apparently determined by how much money was paid.

Then you have the apparently orchestrated defense of Burris by the black panther leader Bobby Rush, who somehow managed to get himself into Congress.  Both he and Burroughs seven playing the race card since this story broke.  Granted, that it’s knee jerk anymore anyway, but even at that, I’ve never seen it more perfectly played.

One gets the feeling that there’s an awful lot down there once we manage to find somebody willing to actually dig for it.

Perhaps the most interesting part about all of this is is that there isn’t a Republican to blame it all on.