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‘Pubs Hold the Line: Pelosi-Reid-Obama Debt Plan Passes House with Not One GOP Vote

The House  republicans set an example  for the jelly spined republicans in the Senate to which to uphold.    The Pelosi-Reid-Obama Debt Plan passed the House nary a single republcan vote.  David Espo, AP [1]:

WASHINGTON – In a swift victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House approved a historically huge $819 billion stimulus bill Wednesday night with spending increases and tax cuts at the heart of the young administration’s plan to revive a badly ailing economy.

The vote was 244-188, with Republicans unanimous in opposition despite Obama’s pleas for bipartisan support.

There is darned little if any stimulus in Pelosi-Reid-Obama but a lot of pork.   House repubican were wise to walk away from this sink bomb.   Can any reader find any stimulus in this package?