James Lewis, American Thinker[sic], is completely blind to the lessons of tragedies like Blacksbug and Mumbai:

It now appears that 10 commando-trained terrorists with Pakistani jihadist training were able to kill at least 172 people and wound almost 300 more in Mumbai, India, over some five days. That suggests major failures among Mumbai’s first responders, notably its armed police. It is likely, though not certain, that such an attack would have been stifled much more quickly in the United States, Israel, and perhaps parts of Europe, Russia and China. Similar terrorist attacks in those countries have been typically less damaging, although there have been cases of successful mass casualty attacks there, too

Mr. Lewis’s counting is amiss. The first line of defence, missing in both Blacksburg and Mumbai is an free and armed citizenry. Terrorists who attack an armed citizenry, do so at there own peril.   Say no to an unarmed and unsafe citizenery.   Demand the Second Amendment be respected.   The life you save could be your own.  Remember Pearl.   We need heros and not more martyrs.

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4 Responses to “The Missed Lessons of Blacksburg And Mumbai”

  1. I don’t want to comment on Blacksburg, since that is primarily your business, but an armed citizenry in Mumbai would have created hell.  Everyone looks the same, and it would have been impossible to know who is the good guy and who is bad.  There would have been FAR MORE than 200 deaths in Mumbai, and even worse, most of them would have been killed by fellow citizens and the police.

    You are a fool to try and annex a tragedy you know NOTHING about to your petty agenda.

  2. I am reminded of a fire call I overheard on my scanner a few years ago. Apparently there was a field “across from 123 anysteet” that was burning, bigtime. As the truck is leaving the firehouse the truck asks ‘which field’… to which the dispatcher replied…”It’s the one on FIRE”.

    To your point… Offhand, I’d say the appearence of the individuals in question was never an identification issue. This is particularly true, given that they were carrying… and firing, automatic weapons…. weapons which, it must be said are unlikely, even in an armed society. Observe:

    A fairly easy ID, this along the lines of Ant, Ant, Elephant, Ant.  .I dunno about you, but that would seem to me a starting point, in terms of idetification of the culprits.

  3. Further, I am reminded of the old saying about PETA members not pouring blood on bikers wearing leather, and instead plying their trade on rich women in furs, since the latter is far less likely to leave the PETA members a steaming, bleeding heap for their trouble.

    If you know an area is heavily armed, you’re not as likley to attack it. thereby the incident would never have occured.

  4. Originally Posted By addicted
    I don\’t want to comment on Blacksburg, since that is primarily your business, but an armed citizenry in Mumbai would have created hell.  Everyone looks the same, and it would have been impossible to know who is the good guy and who is bad.  There would have been FAR MORE than 200 deaths in Mumbai, and even worse, most of them would have been killed by fellow citizens and the police.

    You are a fool to try and annex a tragedy you know NOTHING about to your petty agenda.

    There were but ten terrorists and what three hundred deaths.  the India police response was in a word, inept.  With an armed citizengry the perps would not have lived long enough to kill three hundred..