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What the Fluck is Max Baucus Snorting?

Has Max Baucus [1] ever read the Constitution?    I kind of doubt it.  According to the New York Slimes [2]:

WASHINGTON – Without waiting for President-elect Barack Obama, Senator Max Baucus, the chairman of the Finance Committee, will unveil a detailed blueprint on Wednesday to guarantee health insurance for all Americans by facilitating sales of private insurance, expanding Medicaid and Medicare, and requiring most employers to provide or pay for health benefits.[…]

People would have a duty to obtain coverage when affordable options were available to all through employers or through the insurance exchange. This obligation “would be enforced, possibly through the tax system,” the plan says.

Duty to obtain health care coverage?  On what farging planet?   Read the Constitution [3] Senator.  You are full if it.    The ‘rats can’t even wait for BO to assume office before they start ignoring the Constitution.