With all the political push, the last few months, a lot of stuff I’d have normally posted right away went unposted.  We’ll be catching up on this for a while. This morning, I’ll dump Donna’s cell phone from the Columbus day run.

For those of you who don’t recall,  over the Columbus day weekend, we took the camper over to Lake Erie State Park, outside Brockton NY south and west of Buffalo, for a two day stay. It’s a regular visit of ours.

Now, I’ve already posted a series of photographs that came up out of my camera. I was unaware, though, that my wife Donna had taken several of the sunset I showed you earlier, with her own camera. She’s got a pretty good eye, don’t you think?

Mind you, these are from her cell phone, so the resolution isn’t as high as I’d like it. Still, the content is there. Hard not to; in this case, since LESP has the best sunsets in the fall of the year, for a few hundred miles around.
As usual, drill each pick, then drill it again to get full size.

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