Meryl Yourish:

Meryl Yourish

Meryl Yourish

Why is it, exactly, that so many Jews are Democrats? That’s right. Because Democrats are the champions of liberal, social causes. They’re against tyranny and all for liberty, freedom, and especially, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

But heaven help you if you go against what the Democrats want. Like, say, having Sarah Palin appear in the same venue as Hillary Clinton, even if it’s to protest Jew-hater Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Because then, forget about your freedoms of association, speech, and assembly.

Sources tell CBS 2 HD that a decision to disinvite Palin from the high profile rally after Clinton pulled out in a huff came as the result of intense pressure from Democrats.

[…] Sources say the axes were out for Palin as soon as Sen. Clinton pulled out because she did not want to attend the same event as the Republican vice presidential candidate.

[…] The groups sponsoring the rally against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at the UN were reportedly told, “it could jeopardize their tax exempt status” if they had Palin and not Clinton or Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden on hand.

So all politicians were disinvited, most prominently, Palin.

Got that? Not only would Clinton not appear, but if the groups did not disinvite Palin, Democrats threatened their tax-exempt status. Why? Because they’d sic the IRS on them by calling it a political event. Who was threatened? Well, basically, every major Jewish group in America.

(Bit Aside: CBS-HD-2 is a local subchannel  on Channel 2 in NY, established a few months back, and is an all-local news outlet, basically competing with the local Time Warner Cable news outlet down there, NY-1)

I commented on this stuff the other day. As I said then…

If Hillary Clinton is the only political attendee, it’s non-partisan, but if Sarah Palin shows up and might be seen with Clinton, uniting against  Ahmadinejad, suddenly, it’s a partisan event?

Ummm. Yeah. Okaaayyyyy..(Backing away)

There were a number of things about it like that, that didn’t make sense, particularly when Palin got un-invited… to the point where I waited for the dust to settle before commenting further.Mostly because I’ve not been fully ‘plugged in’ in the apple for some time.

Now, that having been accomplished, and some of this stuff trickling out, I look on this with no small amount of wonder, that as Yourish suggests, any Jew would vote Democrat.  Certainly, they are no freinds to the Jews. And interestingly, Yourish notes:

. CBS didn’t have the story about Jewish organizations having their tax-exempt status revoked for having Palin speak at the rally.

Obviously, they knew about it, but simply decided not to report it. Gee, I wonder why, huh? THese little snippets keep popping up, telling us how much in bed with the Democrats the news people are. Well,these thuggish tactics and this rather incestuous Democrat news agency relationship, particularly given the combined thuggery, should remind one very easily of a propaganda ministry… and certainly such threats against opposition groups would not be reported by that news agency, either.

And in support, you may ask of whom? Simple.

Steve at Whizbang notes:

Make no mistake that this was an Obama op and that it was Obama operatives directing the screenplay. Upon news of Palin’s invitation, it was assured that the event would garner a higher level of attention than it already commanded. And the images and footage of Palin speaking in protest (popular protest, it should be added) of Iran and the messianic Ahmadinejad upon the backdrop of the common perception of Obama’s weakness in foreign policy and national security simply could not stand. Furthermore, it would have provided endless campaign fodder with Palin shown standing against the world’s foremost state sponsor of international terrorism amid the audio-visual bites of Obama stating he would hold talks with Iran without preconditions. The effects would potentially be more than just stinging.

It had to be derailed at all costs. And the first step in the mission was to characterize it as a politicized event. Getting Clinton to step away from the invitation was easy enough – her own vanity played against her as noted above. Having her spokesmen give a ‘politicizing’ reason for withdrawing from the rally planted the seed. And the trap was laid expertly.

All that remained was Palin and the media hyper-focus on her. If she remained, the meme of a ‘politicization’ of an otherwise honorable event would be hung around her neck – and Malcolm Hoenlein’s – like an albatross. Yet she refused to rescind her acceptance as Hillary Clinton had.

Here’s where it gets a bit dirty. The Obama campaign could not publicly cajole her to stay away, yet they needed her away. Desperately. So the pressure was then applied to Malcolm Hoenlein and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.

Enter the National Jewish Democratic Council, which supports the Obama Campaign. They were enlisted and put to the front to apply direct pressure to the Conference of Presidents, also a Jewish organization. And it is not a stretch to imagine (though wholly my conjecture) that the Conference of Presidents has donors among the NJDC, and therefore more than simply conceivable that there were threats of significant funding halts and other future obstacles from among powerful NJDC members.

And through whatever ugly back room pressure was brought to bear squarely on Malcolm’s shoulders, he felt compelled to disinvite Sarah Palin against his wishes, but likely in hopes of saving the greater organization’s future from political saboteurs within his own faith.

And the Obama camp wins. Sarah Palin is denied the stage to demonstrate foreign policy leadership and voice principled opposition to the world’s premiere state sponsor of terrorism on Manhattan, in front of the UN and before recording FOX News cameras and microphones. No near-lethal ads this October running in Missouri, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan – where voters would get the message loud and clear.

The amazing part about all of this, is that as Yourish says:

It won’t stop my liberal Jewish friends from voting Democrat in any way. It won’t even make them think twice about the tactics used by the Democrats.

It all comes down to, as I said the other day, the basis of support for Obama not being based in fact to begin with, and that on that basis, mere facts cannot be used to argue against it. One can only hope that these thuggish tactics will backfire on the Democrats… but I wonder, particularly based on the history of the thing, which gives me no cause to think this will go down any way but how Yourish describes it..


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