Classy Cassy Fiano links maybe the most classless, and for sure the most clueless, political ad of the season:

I think, with the selection of Joe Biden as his running mate, Obama may have inherited foot-in-mouth disease. Here we have yet another example in Obama’s latest attack ad. It isn’t a very effective ad, but it sure is offensive:

I disagree with Cass.  I think BO’s ad will very effective, for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Both Jonah Goldberg, National Review, and Ace, Ace of Spades, shoot more holes in BO’s ad than Joe Biden has hair plugs.

As for me, I note that Randi Rhoads said that the North Vietnames treated John McCain well.   Well I guess that show that Randi has about as much grip on her facts as she does on her teeth.

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