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“The Barackopolis”

The McCain campaign is sending this one around:

Today, workers at Invesco Field are putting the final touches on the newest wonder of the modern political world — The Temple of Obama (“The Barackopolis”). It is upon this pulpit that Barack Obama will tomorrow night address thousands of screaming, adoring fans.

There may be some confusion among the press about the venue and appropriate dress code for Barack Obama’s big speech. To help out, we wanted to provide the following tips on appropriate attire. The toga may have gone out of style centuries ago, but after Obama’s temple speech tomorrow night, they’re sure to be flying off the racks.

All you’d need is lots of Mustard.
(OK, that one may be a bit out there for people who are not real fans of “Animal House”)
To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga!

(By the way, with Obama playing up the Celebrity thing again, isn’t it going to be a little hard for him to keep up the image of being Joe Lunchbox?)