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Why is the Left Blocking US Energy Independence?

Why does the left block US energy development? The answer is their value system is different from the mainstream of the country. But the left’s blocking energy development costs all of us.

Case in point. Do you know how much oil shale is in the US? Eight [1] times as much as the Saudi Arabia reserves. 2118 Billion barrels vs 267 billion for the Saudis. But the democrats block [2] its development.

Nuclear power? The democrats have been blocking [3] the building of nuclear power plants for over 30 years.

Offshore drilling, ANWR drilling? The left don’t even want to debate [4] it.

Wind power? The left blocks [5] that. Just ask Ted Kennedy [6] what he thinks about wind power. Though in the thoroughly conservative Texas, we are developing the country’s largest [7] wind power project.

So as you pay more at the pump, realize that you are paying extra to support the liberal’s values. Of course if you don’t like paying the extra, you can vote republican and throw the democratic bums out.