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Nightly Ramble: Split Decision, Hagel, Sock Puppets, Rebranding, More

  • As predicted, Clinton in Kentucky, Obama in Oregon. The Depth of Clinton’s Kentucky win is striking , though. I’ll have to check, but I don’t know as there has ever been a Democrat who has won the White House who ever lost as many states by so wide a margin, as Obama and Clinton both have. Can’t say much for their being elected.
  • Anyone having any doubts about my assessment of Chuck Hagel should doubt no more. [1]
  • A tragic situation, [2] certainly. But worth this response? No. Government shouldn’t have been involved here. This is government leaping into a situation so as to ‘do something’ at a level where unintended consequences ensue.
  • Same here. [3]
  • Billy, I have to tell you. Your answers here [4] and your cries here [5] would seem to be an answer for why this [6] was such a disconnect for you. The title, perhaps, was hard to deal with? Just a thought.
  • We’ve Located Glenn Greenwald. [7]
  • Kaus thinks the electoral math doesn’t look good for Obama. [8] Thats mildly interesting, but between the RINO that McCain’s turned into and the projections for a large Dem majority in the house and 7 or 8 in the Senate, I fail to see how there’s much of a difference.
  • Joyner is asking [9] about the whole issue of rebrandng the GOP.  The Farm bill they helped to push through rebranded them, far as I can see. They’re now called “Democrat Lite”. They did nothing to the end of helping Republicans… REAL Republicans, into power. When Republicans will vote OPM away like Democrats, what’s the point of having two parties?
  • Kennedy went home?  Yeah, not a shock, I think. It most certainly doesn’t bode well for him, but I’m not surprised.
  • Wegmans, the more or less local food chain, has suddenly gotten better with their doughnuts.  We’ll ahve to buy a box, David and I, and battle it out.