• Yes, dear reader, I know I often write the Rambles so you MUST click on the links to see what the subject is. That’s the idea. That said, let’s get to it.
  • Not often in the last cycle did we see the fact that Obama won Guam by only seven votes. I suppose you can guess for yourself why. How sad is it when the outcome of a nomination is still in doubt by the time Guam comes along? How sad is it when one Democrat wins by only 7 votes?
  • A pretty good idea, actually, Billy. But just so you knw, polar bears don’t come that far south, usually.
  • While I have you, Billy, I wonder if you and Karen aren’t each viewing betterment of that publication in opposite directions. IOW, what she would consider better, you’d consider worse. Though, come to think of it, it’s hard for me to see how it could get worse, shy of hiring Jimmy “The Snake” Carville, Jerimiah Wright, or someone similarly gifted in what passes for reason, any more.
  • So, now we see a charge that we as a nation over-medicate our kids. On what do they base this? The fact that as compared to the UK, we give our kids six ties the medication.  Boortz is screaming about this one this morning, I see. But hang on a tick… The quality of the healthcare system in the UK is lower than whale poop, anyway… as Boortz has been pointing out… and correctly… for years. So explain to me how this can be even close to a valid conclusion. Sorry, it just doesn’t.
  • Bruce, you’ve discovered what passes for objectivity in the press these days.
  • I’ve always liked Tim Horton’s, myself, Michelle.
  • Personally, I’d like to see people in Obama audiences carry placards of that Ayers photo… the one where he’s stomping on the flag. I figure that’s the best symbolism possible for Obama, anyway.
  • Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time will understand that nobody much likes unions. The Teamsters are a classic example of why.So I suppose we none of us, are shocked and suprised to find both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama… particularly Obama, kissing their backside, promising to call off the enforcement agencies from their investigation of the Teamsters. Is it any wonder Obama got their support in this election?
  • Rich… that’s “Jumped the Land Shark“, OK? You’re welcome.
  • I may write about this at length later, but am I the only one that’s annoyed McCain is talking ‘open borders’ again? What an IDIOT. And yes, I don’t want to hear any nonsense about how I’m in McCain’s pocket, here. Anyone who’s read this blog for any amount of time will know better.
  • I see a lot of noise about Jindal for VP. Frankly, I don’t see it happening, now. I mean, I wouldn’t mind it it did, but it doesn’t sound like it’ll work, just now. And yes, I know what I said before. I just didn’t figure on this cycle. I still don’t, really.
  • Francis has an apology to make. (Cue “Pleasures of the dance, A collection of Norwegian carpenter’s songs compiled by Oscar Trict”.)

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