• Sorry to see Billy isn’t feeling so well. It’s shameful I’ve not been to see a Coots gig, but our financial situation is getting a bit better, now,so perhaps I’ll get the time and the money this summer to run down there.
  • And Billy; we agree. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that Democrats only start hollering about partisanship when they’re on the losing end. And the charge of ‘racism’ is a far easier charge to toss around when they’re in that situation, than is ‘partisan‘. Racism, you see, is the one charge in their lexicon that need not be actually proven, aside from that of causing global warming. It’s also a bigger hammer. But here again, we come to it; This entire deal about Obama vs Rodham, is racism vs sexism, which is in reality all this cycle’s Democrat primary was ever about. Democrats have gotten the support of both wings because the two ‘values’ have never been in a serious faceoff before. Well, they are now, and it’s costly for them, the wings are going their own separate ways…and amusing for me. And, I suspect, you.
  • Oh, speaking of race, et al, I find it interesting, that one of the things that is starting to be talked about and openly reassessed as a result of this Democrat grudge match, is the burden of White Guilt. I can’t imagine that the race huxters are going to come out in a more powerful position as a result of any serious reexamination of this kind. And yes, the term Race Huxters, I dare ascribe to Obama.
  • It strikes me that the Louis Renault act put on by Barrack Obama the other day has an awful lot of similarity to the theoretical event of Hillary Clinton suddenly fiing for a a divorce, because she’s shocked, just shocked, to fnd out Bill’s been fooling around on her. Both are believable only if you understand that each has been turning a blind eye to the faults of Bubba and Wright because of the political advantages of their respective relationships with each. Where would Hillary Clinton be, sans Bubba? Likely, she’d be working a small claims court in the southern district of Chicago. Where would Obama be without a history of skating around on Wright’s racially charged coat tails?  Likely, he’d still be helping the Chicago city council screw up the city. In each case, these people constituted a meal ticket. Now, once Wright became more of a liability than an advantage, he got his butt tossed under the bus. Which makes one wonder how long Bubba;’s going to remain married, doesn’t it?
  • Read this and explain to me why we’re still dealing with the Chinese.
  • McQ reports that one of the subject of a recent Project Hero post is going to be given a medal shortly.

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