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Global Warming: Caused Coldest April in 11 Years?

Hume, Friday: [1]

New information from the National Climatic Data Center might cool some global warming theories. According to the center, April 2008 was the coldest April in 11 years. The average temperature last month here in the U.S. was 51-degrees Fahrenheit. That figure is 1 degree cooler than the average April temperature for the entire twentieth century.

President of the National Center for Policy Research Amy Ridenour tells FOX News, “this is further proof that global warming is not happening. Somebody has to be the grownup in this debate and the fact is, climate change is variable. If it wasn’t, then we wouldn’t have weathermen.”

April 2008 ranks as the 29th coldest since record keeping began 114 years ago.

Hmmm. 11 years. How long are sunspot cycles, again?

Again, people…. AGW is utter garbage.