President George W. Bush is a foul-mouthed, reformed drunk obsessed with baseball, Saddam Hussein and a conflicted relationship with his dad. Or at least that’s how he’s portrayed in the script for Oliver Stone’s upcoming feature “W.”But how accurate is that depiction?

As the film preps for its April 21 start date, The Hollywood Reporter sent a copy of the screenplay to four Bush biographers for their comments. The draft is dated Oct. 17, 2007, and has recently been circulated to talent, though a person close to the film said the script has since gone through at least two drafts.

Reactions to the script from the biographers were mixed. They said specific scenes are largely based in fact but noted that the screenplay contains inaccurate and over-the-top caricatures of Bush and his inner circle.

So says The Hollywood Reporter.

So, Oliver Stone is releasing a movie that is inaccurate. This is news?

I mean, come on, here. It’s like saying the forcast for tonight is dark early and continued dark through the night-tie hours to be followed by widely scattered light in the morning. As soon as Stone’s name came up with this, anyone who didn’t understand that this movie was going to be presenting the far left slant on things… in other words, that it was going to be a fantasy from the get-go… obviously has been sleeping for the last 20 years.

The real news is that the fantasy portrayed here is going to be touted as factual.. or perhaps ‘fake but accurate’ by a group of people desperate to hang anything they can on Republicans of any stripe. Doesn’t matter who. Anyone to the right of Fidel Castro qualifies as a legit target, to these folks.

But you’ll never see the press mention that part, they beng part of the problem.


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