It’s about time we examine the ideas and ideals at the root of what Jeremiah Wright preaches… what is commonly known by the rather innocent sounding name of “Black Liberation Theology”.

We can best do this by examining the work of James Cone. I say this for two reasons;

0_61_wright320.jpg* He is regarded by many as the founder of black liberation theorlogy

* Last year, Jeremiah Wright appeared on Sean Hannity’s show.  (Transcript) Hannity couldn’t get a straight answer out of the man, but instead was repeatedly asked by Wright:

“Have you read James Cone, what do you know about black theology? Have you read Cone? Have you read Cone?

And so on.

So, to get  a picture of what Barrack Obama has been enabling for 20 years as a member of Wright’s church, let’s do that… let’s read the guy Wright is following…. James Cone.

“Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.”

“The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”

“The time has come for white America to be silent and listen to black people.”

“All white men are responsible for white oppression. ”

“Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.'”

“Any advice from whites to blacks on how to deal with white oppression is automatically under suspicion as a clever device to further enslavement.”

“Black suffering is getting worse, not better. . . . White supremacy is so clever and evasive that we can hardly name it.”

“What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. ”

” Jesus Christ is black therefore not because of some cultural or psychological need of black people, but because and only because Christ really enters into our world where the poor were despised and the black are, disclosing that he is with them enduring humiliation and pain and transforming oppressed slaves into liberating servants.”

Ya know, it wasn’t so long ago… I think it was the 04 Presidential election cycle, which would make it November of the year… following the DNC speech Obama gave, that Obama showed up on Imus’ show. The show, by all accounts, went well. (here’s one such account) Now, Obama is saying he wouldn’t appear on Imus’ show because he didn’t want to enable a racist.

But look up, and read again at what is being preached from the Pulpit of  Jeremiah Wright.  Tell me that being a member of such a church for 20 years, calling Wright his moral leader, calling him freind, being married by this racist having your daughters baptized by this racist, and perhaps most important to this discussion, giving tens of thousands of dollars annually to this church, isn’t enabling a racist.

As I keep saying…  one simply does not engage in that kind of a long term relationship without buying into the theology being preached there.

Can you imagine any WHITE Candidate being an integral part of enabling racists the way Obama has been, being this close to being nominated?  I’m telling you, gang… The Theology Obama has been pouring his time, talent and money into for two decades, make David Duke on his worst day, look like a big tenter.
And isn’t it interesting that the press, who is usually against any form of Religion… is so quiet about all of this?

The speech yesterday, answered none of this. Of course, Obama can claim he never heard any of it. But why won’t he denounce it, now? And how stupid does one need to be to not understand that this kind of thing was going on, in any event?

McCain can let Obama off the hook for this stuff.

I will not.

Addendum:  (David L)

Of course I disavow Pastor James David Manning remarks, however consistent with the Obama Doctrine, we must seek to  undestand Manning’s anger, video.


Well it is is black, purports to be liberating, and is theology. Then, it sure isn’t Reverend Wright’s Black Liberation Theology. Pastor Manning in a calmer voice, video:


For the record, Manning’s views are closer to mine than Wright’s.

Hat Tip: Lucianne.

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2 Responses to “Black Liberation Theology”

  1. As repugnant as I find Manning,(I’d be far happier with the man if he’d be honest enough to denouce ‘liberation’ “theology”) I do have to admit he’s got Wright pegged.

    Still, if you look closely at the last vid you posted, you’ll note he, too was at the feet of cone in his school days, which to my mind raises serious questions about him at the off. Given the man’s history, you really have to wonder what he’s about. Is he trying to play both sides?

  2. I am far from an expert on Black Liberation Theology.  It seems that James Cone was the movement’s founder.  My theory was, is, that Wright nad Manning are both preaching bLT, justs different versions, with different villians.

    The time line of BLT intrigues me.  BLT seesm a product of the ‘Seventies.  That post Great Society, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act and in the era of affirmative action.  BLT arose in the era of liberalism.

    I also note, that in the Manning version of BLT, liberalism, affirmative action, is one of the villiams.

    In any case, I found Manning’s version quite amusing, and by the Obama Docrine black anger must be respected.  Of course Wright and Manning’s version of BLT, are in oppostion.  Sobeit.