A while ago, while addressing a different (And very personal) topic, I wrote about change versus transformation.

If I take a rock, and in the other hand I take a large hammer, and I hit the rock with the hammer, and break it, I’ve changed that rock. If I take that same rock, and take a small hammer and chisel, and very carefully, perhaps over a period of decades, sculpt that rock into a flower, I’ve still merely changed that rock.
Transformation, on the other hand, is when the rock itself, as a matter of responding to it’s own will, becomes a flower.

I know this is a little dated, and we’ve moved on rather a lot since Obama made so much noise about change in winning Iowa.  Ideas, though, don’t often come on command, they come when they get around to it. Usually, in the shower.(Snort)

It strikes me as interesting, that the Democrats…. and the leftist Republicans, such as John McCain… are mumbling about change…. Interesting, in that they should choose the word for externally imposed alteration, as opposed to the one meaning a willing alteration from within. The left will usually, after all, be the ones using the power of government… by definition, externally imposed ideas and concepts…. in their attempt to achieve their ends. Interesting too, that in history, the far more effective of the two… change or transformation… has invariably been transformation. Externally imposed alterations seldom work, and on those rare occasions when they do, it’s not for long.

But you see, there’s a reason that none of these call for transformation… such self-imposed alteration requires a free society in which to operate, and individuals empowered  enough to make such alterations from within.They’re calling for change, and not transformation, because in the end, this isn’t about you, this isn’t about Americans exersizing their freedoms to move in their own directions. They want to be the ones imposing that alteration.

The left has been trying for decades to IMPOSE alteration. When you see them complaining today about how they want CHANGE, you need to remember that what they’re really asking for is more of what they’ve been trying to impose onus for generations, now. Put another way, all they’re demanding and offering, is more of the same.

Clearly, not what we want.

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