If there is a more annoying person in the world of punditry than Arianna Huffington, I certainly don’t know of it.

The way that Mike Huckabee has handled the furor caused by the Huffington Post’s coverage of his role in the release of Wayne Dumond, a serial rapist who went on to rape and kill at least one other woman, has been very revealing. And troubling.

For the record, I’m not happy about the candidacy of Mike Huckabee, for several reasons.

That said… Did you catch the lean, there?

What she’s saying is, it’s all about her and her publication, that’s what got this whole thing under way. Which of course is utter nonsense; This stuff has been simmering on the surface for years, now. If we take her word on the matter, it is to be considered a major feet of investigative reporting to come up with information that’s already out there in the public sector, and has been since Bill Clinton was in office. I mean, look; If you’re going to be spreading your brightly colored feathers, Mrs. Peacock, let’s make sure you get some feathers to spread. (Yes, I know the female peacocks don’t have such plumage. Make of that what you will.) The fact of the matter is the HuffPo isn’t all that good, or even all that influential, unless you’re a member of the MSM, or a died in the wool, flaming liberal.

Put another way, Arianna, it’s not all about you. Frankly it’s been this attitude that has kept me off of HuffPo since its inception. Someone who is that busy blowing their own horn, I cannot take seriously. Particularly, when there is apparently nothing to be blowing one’s horn about.

It’s amazing to me that she gets such creds from the left. On what basis other than she had enough money to start a web site… Money she obtained by way of a failed marriage… does the left give her such respect? Other than she’s telling them what they want to hear, of course.

That, apparently, is her biggest strength at this point; Rather like Kos, no?

I’m not arguing that she should be silenced for this lack of gravitas. Not by any stretch. But, please, Airanna, I’m begging you…. spare me the pretense of making out like you’re some kind of master investigative reporter. You’re simply not that good.

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