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Sadly for Mrs. Clinton Bitch is Not Synonym for Strong

Mr and Mrs Willian Clintno [1]In Washington,  if you can’t beat it, spin it.  Sherry Argov, New York Post [2],  apparently runs into the brick wall that voters refer to Mrs. Clinton as a bitch, because she is a bitch:

 November 18, 2007 — You know what we need in the White House? A bitch.

We need a bitch facing down terrorists, Iran and Congress. A bitch to order around the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Come to think of it, there’s a bitch right now trying to save Pakistan. Golda Meir, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher – all great leaders. All bitches.

Sadly for Argov and the other Clinton hacks being a bitch is not synomous with being strong.    The nation needs a strong leader, not a bitchy one.    Lady Thatcher,  and Golda Meir were ladies of strong will,  not vile temperment

Strong female leaders do not their husband take the heat for them [3], and play politcal hatchet man [4].   They do not hide behing their skirts [5]   There are strong women.   Mrs. Clinton is not among them.