Allah says, under a headline reading:

Wildfire victims getting what’s coming to them, says Carlin

No need for grandiose outrage here. He’s been saying stuff like this for decades. In fact it’s a core part of his act, which is why he’s allowed to skate. I offer the clip not as fodder for indignation but because it’s a nice little window into Carlin’s persona: the bitter hippie, broken-hearted by the failure of the 60s, whose idealism has since decayed into a cynicism so black and weary that revanchist, schadenfreudean sentiments like this now escape his lips without the slightest stutter. And of course it’s all paired with the most touchy feely, cringemaking New Age back-to-the-land nonsense about being “in balance with nature” the way the Indians are. Thus the paradox of the malignant self-styled humanist: We need to join hands and tap into the spiritual creatures within — and if we don’t, then he hopes your house burns down.

Allah then proceeds to offer up a couple of clips to the point.

The only outstanding question about all of this, to my mind, is where are all the people who were complaining so loudly about Glenn Beck, last night?

Addendum: (David L)

I watched a bit televisiion coverage of the fires this morning, and it strikes me if you took out Carlin’s idea that the victims somehow deserved it, the old coot was not too far wrong.  They built in areas with a well known fire risk.  Fire is part of the lifecyle of a forest.  Futher, they should known that our fire management efforts have been inept for what twenty years.

So these victim were like the other idiots that build homes in flood plains or on the ocean front.  They are taking on a known risk.  It should not be my job as a taxpayer to bail out fools who build where no sane person should.

Carlin went too far, but he had the right idea.

Addendum II : (Bit)

I quite agree.  I just wanted to see if one of the regular readers year was going to be quite so stupid as I thought he was.  And, he was.

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