You know, it almost seems useless to bring this up again, since both David and myself have mentioned it several times in the last four days or so.  But this is an interesting angle:

Michelle Malkin points to Doug Heye, who in turn notes that the Carbon dioxide generated at the “LIve Aid” concerts tomorrow will be greater than Afghanistan did during the whole of 2006.

It’s little disconnects like that that should leave you wondering about the honesty of those involved with this situation.

And I have another caution for you; friends, watch where the money from this thing goes. We have some very strict laws in this country as regards foreign donations to our campaigns for elective office here in these United States.  Laws which Clinton Gore ignored, particularly as regards China, but not limited to that country.  Now we have concerts all over the globe.  Supposedly the purpose for these concerts is to raise the issue of “global warming”… or was it to increase the problem of global warming?

Oh well, anyway, watch where the money from this thing goes.  How much of this money, and how much of this momentum, will find itself being directed at Gore’s presidential aspirations?

Consider yourself forewarned.

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