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Calling Michael Moore\’s Bluff

Michael MooreNow I admit that I was not familar with Rob Port, Say Anything [1], but I like what I see.

Since Moore says he doesn’t mind his movie being shared on the internet (something I really doubt is his true feeling on the subject), and since I’m a firm believer in the idea that one of the best ways to beat a stupid idea is to give the people pushing that idea as much room as necessary to beat themselves, here’s Moore’s entire movie posted for your enjoyment.  Amusement.  Consternation.  Whatever

Michaei Moore has said that he doesn’t believe in copyrights.  After all a copyright is a form of private property and socialists don’t believe in private property.   Yet, dispite his professed opposition to copyrights, for some reason Moors copyrighted his new Film, Sicko.

Well Port has been kind of enough to allow Moore to show himself to a man of his word.  Port has posted Moore’s entire film, Sicko.   Now the question is whether Moore will return Port’s kindness with a hand written thank-you note or cease and desist letter from his attormies.  Bets?

H/T:  Allah Pundit, Hot Air [2]
