World Trade Center

If you takes these jokers, err ministers, seriously, apparently the feelings of Moslems are more precious than the lives of non-Moslems.   The ministers call, “Islamophobia Worst Form of Terrorism:’ 

ISLAMABAD, 17 May 2007 — Foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday expressed grave concern at the rising tide of discrimination and intolerance against Muslims, especially in Europe and North America. “It is something that has assumed xenophobic proportions,” they said in unison.

While the ministers rail against offended Moslems sensibilties, no actual violence against Moslems is ever cited.  The Minister mention thousands of deaths of non-Moslems, but only in passing.

“The increasingly negative political and media discourse targeting Muslims and Islam in the United States and Europe has made things all the more difficult,” the foreign ministers said. “Islamophobia became a source of concern, especially after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but the phenomenon was already there in Western societies in one form or the other,” they pointed out. “It gained further momentum after the Madrid and London bombings. The killing of Dutch film director Theo van Gogh in 2004 was used in a wicked manner by certain quarters to stir up a frenzy against Muslims,” the ministers pointed out. Van Gogh had made a controversial film about Muslim culture.

The deaths of non-Moslems are to be excused, ignored, forgotten.  On the other hand, the feelings of Moslems must be protected at all costs.  So to take the minister at their word, if Molsems kill non-Moslems, there no reason for concern.  Yet if Moslem sensibilities are slighted, there should be grave concern.

(H/T:  Ethel C. Fenig, American Thinker )

Addendum:  More, Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch )
