fred-thompson.jpgBy now Fred Thompson’s thirty-eight second video response to Michael Moore, which we blogged on Tuesday, is famous.  What may be even more impressive than the video itself is the process, or  better yet, the lack of process behind it.

Salena Zito, Pittsburg Tribune-Review, gives a behind the scene look at the production of “Fred’s watershed“:

On the day of the first Southern-state Republican debate on the Fox News Channel, one undeclared GOP candidate performed a media leapfrog.

With the help of one 38-second video clip and a great sense of humor, Fred Thompson, the former U.S. senator from Tennessee who is one sock away from dipping his toe into the race for the White House, remained just as relevant as the other GOP candidates.

Great leaders, in any field, be it military, industrial, political, share a comon trait.   They are instinctive and their instincts are right.   Fred’s response to Moore’s challenge was instinctive and dead on target.  It appears the biggest delay was getting a camera into Fred’s office.?

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