In recent speech on the “Rule of Law”, Fred Thompson discussed unequal treatment under the law. Thompson noted:

In our system all citizens are guaranteed equal protection. And when we appropriate unlimited resources and give unlimited power and direct it all toward one individual, there had better be extraordinary circumstances. There were none here. Just a case of public officials without the courage to do the right thing and stop this farce before it began. In no other prosecutor’s office in the country would a case like this one have been brought.

Clarice Feldman, the sharp tack, applauds Thompson’s defense of due process:

He is not the only one noting that the case against Scooter is related to the failure of will and inability to fight the entrenched bureaucracy by key administration officials who did not/could not stop what they knew was a farcical proceeding. Brian Carney reviews the case and agrees that a pardon now is necessary to undo a great wrong: 
Yet leftarded Glen Greenwald, the unhinged mind, is upset by Thompson’s speech:  

Fred Thompson is desperate to be depicted as the savior of the right-wing movement and for that leaderless faction to embrace him as the Heir to George W. Bush. The number one qualification for that position is blind, cult-like loyalty to the right-wing movement, which in turn requires a willingness to blindly defend anyone loyal to the movement because, by definition, such a person is Good at their core and thus can do no real wrong.

Feldman argues with facts, Greenwald, like Rosie O’Donnell, only with his emotions. As Andrew Jackson, never quite said, “One man with courage makes a majority. Thompson has courage. Greenwald can look the word in his dictionary.

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