As you may have determined that by simply reading this morning, on finally going through some of my days old mail.  It’s been kind of money around here, of late, and I haven’t had the chance. A Bit’s Ball Cap tip (BBCT) to a reader, who has requested to remain nameless for bringing this to my attention.

This article from Klein, can be considered nothing less than what we used to call a “target rich environment” . Some examples:

With Proposition 13 and the famous California tax revolt, and with presidents whose entire domestic programs amounted to mindless tax-cutting, and with Congresses that have been happy to pass cuts and stack deficits, we have systematically deprived the government of the revenues it needs to provide basic services, even as we’ve come to need it to do so much more.

Had this idiot done his homework, he’d have found that the income supposedly ‘lost’ was more than regained within a year as the economy rebounded from the oppressive taxes… in direct relation, as it turned out, to the amount of tax CUTTING applied.

His claims as regards the federal government and the tax cutting applied to it are similarly defeated. Every tax cut that has occurred over the last 30 years, at the Federal government level, has resulted in an increase in the amount of money being taken at the Federal coffers.  Every. Single. One.

As a matter of fact, Klein’s entire argument is that big government should be “given a chance” can be defeated just as easily; government, has never been bigger than it is right now. The trend has NEVER really turned towards ‘smaller government’. We are as a matter of both per capita spending and overall spending, giving the government more of our individuals income than at any time in history.

One wonders, then, what is it that Klein is complaining about?

I mean, if this were record level of spending isn’t working to his satisfaction, what level of spending would?  You would think that he’d get the hint that maybe we ought to be going in the opposite direction.  Of course, then, he wouldn’t be a “liberal columnist”, now would he?

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