So, McEwan resigned today, too.

Of course we now have the usual mantra of how it’s all because of well- funded right-wing attack squads… (Really? Where’s my paycheck?). It’s all the fault of the right, we’re told, that these two are out of a job. As usual, the blame gets shifted away from where it really belongs… on the shoulders of the ones who wrote the items that Bill Donahue pointed out. Again, Ladies… and I use the term is the loosest of fashions… your problem isn’t that Bill Donahue pointed out the bigotry in what you wrote, but that you wrote it. You’ve not even bothered to TRIED to disconnect yourself from it.

 And think; Edwards was clearly reacting to pressure.  But how on earth could that pressure have come from the right? And, why on earth would Edwards be worried about what the right is saying about his staff, IF it was in fact the right, alone?  I would have figured on anything that annoyed the right so very much would be pleasing the Democrat party base…thereby reinforcing Edward’s chances of winning.  in which Marcotte and McEwan are certainly centerlined. The howling from the pathetic numerical minority calling themselves ‘religious left’ not withstanding, the bigoted writings of such as Marcotte and McEwan reflect what laughingly passes as Democrat party thought, today.

My guess is that Edwards will not survive this mess… it’s going to hauunt his every move, but not, perhaps as you might expect….. It will not be arranged by the right, but rather by the majority of Democrats… who, I think, would rather see the likes of Marcotte and McEwan in the WH, than they would the Breck Girl…. he’ll go down in flames amidst cries that Edwards let the Democrats down, and sacrificed too much to the right.  I see Bowers is already leaning that way, and while I haven’t looked at DU(h) this morning…(I’m still eating breakfast)… I’m sure we’ll find indications of this later today.

I couldn’t support the man myself… but he might have turned in a respectable showing in the general election, but will never make it there because of the extremists dominating his own party.



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