
(H/T picture:  Bongo News

Pictured left is Senate Leader Dirty Harry Reid’s best friend, Pork.  

Two days ago, Dirty Harry lied:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today delivered the following remarks on the Floor of the United States Senate, introducing a bipartisan substitute amendment that will dramatically strengthen ethics reform legislation currently under debate and an additional amendment to take the new legislation even further.

Dirty Harry no more supports pork, err earmark reform than I support Andrew Sullivan for president.   The House passed a earmark reform bill.   Yesterday Dirty Harry blocked a comprehensive bill backed by the majority of the Senate.  The New York Times reports, “Democrats in Senate Fail to Block Bill on Ethics

WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 — After campaigning for months on a promise to tighten ethics rules, Senate Democratic leaders tried unsuccessfully Thursday to block a measure that would shine a light on the shadowy practice of earmarking federal money for lawmakers’ pet projects.

The Senate democrats need to get serious about a low pork diet.

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