There is nothing, to my mind, that better demonstrates that the American left has lost its collectivist mind, than the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the execution of Saddam Hussein.  One would think, after reading their collective whining that US law enforcers had grabbed Howard Dean, and executed him, because he was giving George Bush trouble.

Let’s be clear about this; This execution did not happen because the U.S. wanted it so.  This happened because the Iraqis wanted it so.  It was their trial, not ours.  It was their sentence that was carried out, not ours.

Nor is this, as some would seem to suggest, the result of a simple difference of political opinion, either within Iraq, or the world as a whole. Saddam Hussein was tried and convicted of mass murder. Worse, the charges that he was actually condemned to death over were only one set of charges, of a long list of them, which will keep the Iraqis in courts for decades.  Not years, decades.

Nor was Hussein alone.  Several of his cohorts were convicted to death along with him, for their part in the deaths of thousands.

But none of that makes a bit of difference for our lefties.  If all of this doesn’t cause you to question just where it is their loyalties lie, it should.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone, that the Palestinians were doing the same thing; welling in gnashing of teeth over this murderer’s fate. As VDH notes:

We gave the Palestinian Authority hundreds of millions of dollars for housing, schools, and security and they hate us; Saddam gave them a few thousand dollars as bounty for suicide murderers and they loved him.

That says it all.

That brings us back, however, to the question of where the loyalties of the American left lie. After all, one presumes if they see more clearly than the Palestinians have historically done, the kind of mass murderer that Saddam Hussein really was.  Why on earth would they be lamenting his execution?

I’ll tell you what; when you find the answer to that question, you will find the answer to the question of why the American left to this day thinks Bill Clinton was a good president, and Hillary Clinton would make a good president, and why, if their mouth is open, it’s because they’re blaming George W. Bush for something.
