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Mrs. Pelosi’s Swamp, a Continuing Drama


Mrs. Pelosi campaigned on a promise to drain the republican swamp.  She made no promise to drain the democrat swamp.   The Washington Post details, Pelosi hand picked choice for majority leader, Jack Murtha, scheme of funnelling federal tax dollar to his campaign contributors, here [1].

In 2001, Murtha announced the creation of Scialabba’s nonprofit agency for the disabled in Johnstown, Pa. The next year, with Scialabba still on his staff, Murtha secured a half-million dollars for the group, the Pennsylvania Association for Individuals With Disabilities (PAID), and put another $150,000 in the pipeline for 2003, according to appropriations committee records and former committee aides. Since then, the group  has helped hundreds of disabled people find work.


That arrangement over the years has yielded millions of dollars in federal support for the contractors, businesses and universities, and hundreds of thousands in consulting and lobbying fees to Murtha’s favored lobbying shops, according to Federal Election Commission records and lobbying disclosure forms. In turn, many of PAID’s directors have kept Murtha’s campaigns flush with cash.

Send Mrs. Pelosi a message that it is  time to drain her democrat swamp.  Corrupt congressmen and like Murtha and of Alan B. Mollohan need to go