Powerline notes today:

The Pentagon reports that the Guantanamo detainee who claimed in August 2002 that a guard flushed a Koran down a toilet (do they have really big toilets there, or what?) was recently re-interviewed, and recanted the allegation:

“We’ve gone back to the detainee who allegedly made the allegation and he has said it didn’t happen. So the underlying allegation, the detainee himself, within the last two weeks, said that didn’t happen,” chief Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita told a briefing.

And so once again, our service people suffer, and 19 people DIED, because of our hyper-extended, hindsight-based morality, being used as a tool by the anti-war crowd, and our enemy… And better yet… we now find what ‘ve always suspected; the whole thing was a lie.
