So, Max Boot pukes this gem up yesterday;Gay or Female, Uncle Sam Should Want You and it’s gotten quoted on several blogs.

The argument being employed here basicly comes down to;

“Forget trying to apply morality to this; we’re costing ourselves victory.”

Of Course, Max Boot is talking about the Military and it’s position on homosexuals.

Now think about this; We’re being told how immoral we are on among other things, treatment of prisoners. And those suggesting that being overly concerned with such matters is costing us lives and could in fact cost us victory, are being called ‘immoral’. For making such suggestions, I’ve been personally shouted down as being immoral.

Yet, here comes Max Boot (and others) suggesting we should do exactly that…. leave morality behind with regards to homosexuality, to ‘get over it’… and for the same reason… because to not do so means we cost ourselves lives and could cost us victory… and this gets taken seriously by the Andrew Sullivans of the world. I suppose I expect this kinda thing from Sullivan, but I’m disheartened when I see it being countananced by other people who should know better.
