Boortz, today

“Now we have a second woman coming forth to accuse Bill Cosby of some sexual impropriety.  This particular event supposedly happened 30 years ago.  After the passage of 30 years this woman deserves to be paid no attention at all.

You have to wonder, though, whether or not these charges against Bill Cosby might have anything to do with Cosby’s recent comments about dominant black culture in the United States.  His words have surely stung a lot of people who are used to blaming their shortcomings on white racism.”

Attention, Mr. Boortz: I said this over a month ago.

As a result of the support for Cosby among blacks, He’s being offered as the next head of the NAACP.. a move which would seriously shift the group away from it’s hard left angle, and now, suddenly charges of a supposed attack of over a year ago, and of very questionable authenticity with no proof, surfaces.

Gee… ya think there’s a connection, here?
Forgive me, I smell a fish.

Welcome to the party, Neal.
