davidl on November 12th, 2011

To echo Eric wrote. we have a problem.   First we had PSU (Pervert State University) and now we have The Citadel. Mere coincidence? Or a pattern?

(Reuters) – In the wake of the Penn State child sex

Continue reading about A Culture of Rape

davidl on April 19th, 2010

B.J. Clinton in the New York Stimes:

Criticism is part of the lifeblood of democracy. No one is right all the time. But we should remember that there is a big difference between criticizing a policy or a politician

Continue reading about B.J. Clinton: STFU

davidl on December 4th, 2009

Nice Deb asks:

Why Does Obama Have A Known Pervert For His “Safe Schools” Czar?

Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit, has the bill of goods on Barack Obama pedophile pervert in the White House (graphic):

Breaking: Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar”

Continue reading about Obama’s Pervert in the White House

davidl on December 29th, 2008

I am given to understnad that one sexual predator in particular and leftards in general  are upset that one  Chip Saltsman included the Paul Shanklin classic “Barack the Magic Negro”  in his Christmas greetings, Peter Yarrow, Puffington Post:


Continue reading about BO the Magic Negro