davidl on July 8th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Fast and Furious, from Michael A. Walsh, New York Post:

Don’t look now, but the real action in Washington this week isn’t the parti san wrangling over the debt ceiling but something — literally — even more incendiary:

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: Janice Hahn Edition

davidl on May 1st, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Obama Can’t, Victor Davis Hanson on the problem with the Obami, from RCP:

[A] president who believes that modern cars get eight miles per gallon or need frequent tune-ups, and that proper tire inflation can substitute for drilling

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: Cain Can

davidl on April 6th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
El Rushmo smacks Dumbo. You knew it was coming.  Rush Limbaugh knocks the legs out from under Barack Obama.

As does Ben Stein, American Spectator:

There are words for national leaders who attempt to appease their enemies

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble

davidl on January 16th, 2010

At least Martha is amusing, video:

From Robert Coata National Review:

Here’s the transcript (via the Brown campaign):

Dan Rea: Umm Would Barack Obama be in if this thing was not this close?

Martha Coakley: Umm it’s hard to know,

Continue reading about More Martha Coakley

rosa_parksToday is the anniversary of the day that Rosa Parks made waves in Montgomery Alabama in 1955 by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.  What Rosa did that day sparked a movement resulting

Continue reading about Rosa Parks, Robert Graetz, Liberty And Justice