davidl on August 6th, 2009

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Bumper Snicker of the Day:

TEA’D Off (Taxed Enough Already)

As seen my my Mk II’s.

Bumber Snicker II, American Power:






Cold Cash Convicted, from Paul

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Eric Florack on July 28th, 2009

Welcome, everyone (Even you Democrats) to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the Sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

ramble-taxprotestThis is the ” Tax Protest” Edition

    Webmater’s notes: This thing went out several hours early due to an error in

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davidl on July 15th, 2009

If Sonia Sotomayor were a horse, thny would shoot her.    Ok, Sotomayor was never going to convince Rush Limbaugh to support her, but her weak and unconvincing testimony hoa lost support from Eva Rodriquez,  Washington Post:

I’m surprised and

Continue reading about Sonia Sinks Sotomayor

davidl on July 2nd, 2009

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Chavez, Ortega, Castro and Obama; Charles Krauthammer nails the one, via Gatway Pundit:

“Two weeks ago he refuses to meddle in a country where peaceful demonstrators are getting shot be a theocratic dictatorship. He doesn’t want to choose

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Eric Florack on June 29th, 2009

Welcome Weary Travelers, to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

This is the “”With fowa you get Eggwoll” Edition. Let is repair to the table and chair and this fine establishment’s board of

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Eric Florack on June 28th, 2009

We’re still working on the issue…. we appear to have something with PHP going. Unclear what.

Isn’t this FUN, kids?

Twitter links are down for the moment. I’ll be putting them back up tommrow night, I hope.

There’s a few

Continue reading about We Appear to be Back.