DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Oslo, from Steven Erlanger,  New York Slimes:

OSLO — The Norwegian police on Saturday charged a man they identified as a right-wing fundamentalist Christian in connection with the bombing of a government building in central Oslo and a

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davidl on May 24th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Obama’s one trick pony, Carol E. Lee, Politico:

President Barack Obama is trying to ride the wave of anti-incumbency by taking on an unpopular politician steeped in the partisan ways of Washington.

It doesn’t matter that George W. Bush

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davidl on May 24th, 2010


“Right now, the Obama administration’s national security apparatus is broken, dysfunctional and in disarray,” Hoekstra said.  “Dennis Blair was the one person you could count on for rationality among Holder, Napolitano and Brennan—and he’s the one the president let go.”

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