davidl on February 11th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
How is that Hopey Changey thing working, Glenn Reynolds, Iinstapundit:

“Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign companies, according to a new report by

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davidl on January 20th, 2010

The democrats lost a Senate seat in the bluest of states, Massachusetts, because they were blind to concerns the ordinary American voter, from  Mark Katherine Ham, Weekly Standard:

Democrats fooled themselves into believing the town-hall/Tea Party caricature and ignored the

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Eric Florack on January 20th, 2010

Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble.

  • THE FINGER-POINTING AND THE DAMAGE DONE: Well, by now you will have known already that there was an earthquake in Massachusetts last

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Eric Florack on November 12th, 2009

Welcome, everybody, to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the web; The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble


    WASHINGTON -AP- President Barack Obama does not plan to accept any of the Afghanistan war options presented by his

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Eric Florack on November 11th, 2009

Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

The the the the veteransday_1

  • YET MORE FT HOOD: Let’s have a look at the comments of Steve Hayes from last Night’s Brett

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Eric Florack on November 9th, 2009

Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere….The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble


  • RECOVERY? WHAT RECOVERY? Surber takes a look. And ummm Gang? Remember, now; the 10.2% quoted by the government doesn’t include those who

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Eric Florack on November 7th, 2009

You know,  it was only a matter of time, I suppose, before the leftards lept up  maliciously and deceitfully attacking someone who brought up bad news about The Chosen One against someone they apparently have decided to make a target

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Eric Florack on November 6th, 2009

Welcome, one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere…The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble


  • FLIPPANT PRESIDENT? Linda Chavez makes a point I happened to catch Savage making last night while dialing around the band last night.:

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Eric Florack on November 6th, 2009

There are lots of conflicting reports on the number of victims of  Nidal Malik Hasan and his bloody ramage at Ft Hood yesterday.  the most reliable reports that I’ve found suggest that there’s 13 dead as of this morning

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Eric Florack on November 3rd, 2009

ACORN foe Anita Moncrief over at Hot Air:

Multiple sources on the ground in New York’s 23rd Congressional district confirm that ACORN is expected to be actively protesting the election results in Clinton County, New York tomorrow. This move

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As a business owner, tax payer and elected official, I freely admit that I am VERY skeptical when the government warns me about anything. Government typically causes more problems than they solve, and it’s in their own best interests (power,

Continue reading about Global Warming/Climate Change… Greatest Scam in History!

davidl on October 23rd, 2009

The New York Stimes has confirmed that the White House held an off the record press gaggle for selected media lap dogs:

Speaking privately at the White House on Monday with a group of mostly liberal columnists and commentators, including

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Eric Florack on October 22nd, 2009

Welcome, everyone, to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

  • SITYS #7216:Fox News, yesterday:

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that the Bush administration had developed a new strategy on the

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Eric Florack on October 22nd, 2009

Ya know, this is getting just a wee bit annoying.

I said this yesterday morning:

So, tell us, oh, vaunted master of the news cycle, what the bleep Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman were doing in the room? And tell

Continue reading about Someone Read It Here, First. How About a Link, Guys?

Eric Florack on October 21st, 2009

Hello and welcome one and all tot he most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere; The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

They say you’re supposed to have 5 service of veggies every day. Well, here’s one heapin helpin’, just now;


Continue reading about Nightly Ramble: Strive For Five Edition