davidl on August 16th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Eric rambled on Rick Perry, link:

Let the mudslinging begin! I’ve said nothing about Rick Perry yet, in terms of his record, because frankly I’ve not had much chance to investigate his record. But based on recent speeches

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: The Perry Go Round

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Is this what the left really wants?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

John F. Kennedy

New York Slimes wages last ditch war on sanity, from Joe Nocera, via Confederate Yankee:

You know what

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble: Is Violent Revolution Inevitable?

davidl on December 6th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Dumbo on Wiki: Grab a mop, the Obama administration is leaking information like a thatch rook, in a gale.  So do the Obami shut down the leakers?  No the Obami order low-level government workers not to read the leaked

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble (Monday)

davidl on September 19th, 2009

Eric Boehlert, Media Matters,  to needs lay off the Jim Jones Kool-Aid:

A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this

That being John F. Kennedy, who was gunned down in Dallas, of course.


Continue reading about Does Media Matters Matter?

davidl on April 12th, 2009


Vatican sources told Il Giornale that their support for abortion disqualified Ms Kennedy and other Roman Catholics President Barack Obama had been seeking to appoint.

Mr Obama was reportedly seeking to reward John F Kennedy’s daughter, who publicly

Continue reading about Vatican Not Sweet on Carolyn

davidl on October 21st, 2008

In our long and storied history, the American voter has shunned electing sitting Senators directly to the presidency.   The last former Senator to serve was Richard Nixon, who gave us Watergate and paved the way for Jimmy Carter.   Before that

Continue reading about Joe Biden Drops His October Suprize

davidl on August 25th, 2008

BO's EgoA few ascute commentators have noticed something rather strange about this official BO poster. Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, and Doug Ross, Journal.   Even Richard  Nixon had the common courtesty to treat Spiro Agnew in public as an equal.  

Continue reading about Ego Thy Name is Barack

davidl on July 7th, 2008

Lynn Sweet, Sun-Times (Chicago) reports the BO campaign is  trying some imaginative rebranding and is attempt to foist BO off as a reincaranted version of both John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan:

WASHINGTON–A German friend passed along the news Saturday

Continue reading about JFK, Gipper And BO