healthcare-reformQuestion #1 during much of the Health Care Debate was: “Why the rush?”.

I should have seen it at the time, but now, it is clear to me just how important it was for Democrats to pass Health Care Reform,

Continue reading about Democrats Took A Gamble – Republicans Need To Take Care

Even Howard Dean called this “reform” plan crazy! “Reform” is in quotes because calling this reform is a lie.This is not reform it’s a complete socialist take over health care with rationing of care for the old and undesirable. If

Continue reading about Kervorkiancare: Get Used to the Phrase “Soylent Green is People!”

davidl on September 19th, 2009

Eric Boehlert, Media Matters,  to needs lay off the Jim Jones Kool-Aid:

A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this

That being John F. Kennedy, who was gunned down in Dallas, of course.


Continue reading about Does Media Matters Matter?