An amazingly insightful article from Bruce Walker at The American Thnker has caught my attention this morning. It’s so good I wish I could post the whole thing here. As it is, I’ll give you enough to make you go

Continue reading about Jonestown 30 Years Ago, And America Today; Closer Than You May Think.

Eric Florack on September 17th, 2008

WASHINGTON —(Fox)-  Hillary Clinton has pulled out of an appearance at a New York rally next week to protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, her aides say because she doesn’t want to be seen alongside Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin

Continue reading about 1984 Revisted, Clinton Style.

From the Daily Mail:

George Orwell once wrote that politics was closely related to social identity. ‘One sometimes gets the impression,’ he wrote in The Road To Wigan Pier, ‘that the mere words socialism and communism draw towards them with

Continue reading about Of Charity, And the Left And REAL Charity, And the Rest of Us

davidl on April 9th, 2008

Richard Warman, Canada’s most litigious bigot, not content with merely persecuting, Ezra Levant and is now persucuting the vertiable Who’s Who of the Canadian conservative blogosphere, Levant; Kate McMillan, Small Dead Animals; Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury and

Continue reading about Richard Warman on the War Path, Yet Again.

davidl on January 18th, 2008

Mrs. Clinton, and George Orwell have been a constant themes here.   Remember this YouTube from March of last year?


Mrs. Clinton did  not like it.  However the theme of Mrs. Clinton and George Orwell does continue to resonate. 

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton, HillaryCare And George Orwell