Eric Florack on April 15th, 2009


Welcome one and all to the most intense nightly read anywhere on the ‘sphere… The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

This is the Tea Bag Edition

Lots going on, today.  I’m not stupid enough to try and grab it all, but here’s

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Eric Florack on March 12th, 2009

Mark Hemingway at The Corner:

I was perusing an old column by Kevin Rennie, the former Connecticut state legislator that broke the cottage story, and noticed this interesting tidbit:

During the fourth quarter of 2008, Dodd’s Senate re-election campaign

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davidl on February 19th, 2009

Background, on Monday, February 16, police in Stamford, Connecticut shot and killed a two hundred pound pet chimpanzee.    The victim of the chimpanzee attack, Charla Nash, suffered major wounds and is still hopitalized.    We hope  that Nash can recover

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