In order to win the nomination, Mrs. Clinton needs the black vote.  Her husband, B.J. Clinton, seems bounded and determined to insure that Mrs. Clinton does not get that vote.   Josh Gerstein, Sun(NY) “Clinton Does More Damage Control on Black Radio:”

Golden ShovelIn an interview Monday, President Clinton mounted a less-than-vigorous defense of comments a prominent supporter of Senator Clinton’s presidential bid, Robert Johnson, made which many interpreted as a reference to Senator Obama’s admission of drug use during his younger years 


A series of callers to Mr. Martin’s program following Mr. Clinton’s call were deeply skeptical of his explanation and harshly critical of Mr. Johnson. One even doubted the former president’s statement that he hadn’t heard Mr. Johnson’s comments, since the words were read to him on another program earlier in the day. Mr. Martin said Mr. Clinton seemed to be saying he had not previously heard the tape of the comments. It took more than an hour to hear a caller defend Mr. Clinton, even tangentially

Obviously, Karl Rove has recruited B.J. Clinton as his secret weapon to defeat Mrs. Clinton.

Hat Tip:  Memeorandum.

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  1. Clinton booed again | BitsBlog