I see Jonah Goldberg has taken up the chant over “true diversity”.  He’s getting the usual feedback from idiots such as Ezra Klein.

Jonah, my boy, you have got to start calling these things as they are. I gave up trying to be civil about such things along time ago, having determined that it was not only unnecessary but counterproductive.  The man turned himself into an apologist for the left, and found that ditching his integrity by the side of the road to do it was necessary .  One simply cannot make the arguments he makes, without doing so.

I agree, Jonah, that Klein has been successful at deliberately misreading your article.Then again, he’s had plenty of practice, lately.  I also agree that you got it and correctly when you say :

liberalism’s reigning understanding of “diversity” is that every institution should “look like America” but think exactly alike. Surely even young Ezra has heard this argument before. Clarence Thomas types don’t count as contributors to diversity because they don’t think black. There is a narrow understanding of what constitutes the “black perspective” or the “woman’s point of view.” If you break from it, you are no longer authentic. What was it Naomi Wolfe wrote about Jeane Kirkpatrick? That she writes as if she doesn’t have a uterus? It’s similar to the point we’ve been discussing around here for a while now. Gay people according to Ezra-types have to support a litany of “gay issues” if they are going to be authentically gay. Otherwise they are hypocrites.

,,,,or as I’ve been saying since before Limbaugh took up the chant, the only diversity not respected by the left is diversity of thought. 

But perhaps you’d be interested in knowing, that I have already addressed this issue of true diversity, some time ago.  Back in 2003. June, to be specific. 

In that posting, I was addressing a Supreme Court ruling, Grutter v. Bollinger And , incidentally the Bakke ruling as well. 

There is a major difference between mandating what we’ll call “RACIAL Diversity” and encouraging “TRUE Diversity”. “Racial diversity” simply means we have a lot of different races represented in a given sector of society. “True diversity” means that we have a lot of different styles of thinking, points of view, politics, ideation, etc. regardless of the race of each individual involved.

As such, I submit there is no compelling state or societal interest in mandating Racial Diversity per se’, in a racially neutral society, which we are supposedly striving to be.

You should try that train of thought on him, Jonah. The resulting steam from his ears could possibly be registered as a new power source.  You can save a lot of people money ,that way.

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