Norm Levy in the LA TIMES reports that…

…Just 27% of Americans now approve of the way Congress is doing its job, the poll found, down from 36% in January, when Democrats assumed control of the House and the Senate.

And 63% of Americans say that the new Democratic Congress is governing in a “business as usual” manner, rather than working to bring the fundamental change that party leaders promised after November’s midterm election.

Tapscott notes the story :

This is the single most significant fact about the political landscape – a growing public disgust with both major political parties. A measure of the intensity of that disgust is seen in the crushing public disapproval of the Bush/Kennedy/McCain immigration reform bill. The more people found out about the bill, the more they disapproved of it. A titanic wave of phone calls, emails and letters descended upon the Senate.

But the more important question then is where does this public disgust lead. It’s one thing to keep beating down the Washington Establishment’s successive attempts to continue its out-of-touch handling of major public policy issues like immigration.

Amazingly, Tapscott then wonders aloud if :

the moment may be approaching for an independent, trans-partisan political party…

Um… no. Tapscott cannot possibly be on the same planet, and come to this conclusion. One wonders if his other observations are similarly inaccurate.  That said…
What it’s time for, is for the Republicans to start acting like, well, Republicans.  The undeniable change that has occurred between the time that Newt Gingrich garnered 46% approval ratings and now is that the Republicans as a party and as individuals have tilted left in dramatic fashion.  This has culminated with President Bush, offering us this monstrosity of an immigration bill. Bush himself, is not a rightist, but a centrist , often leaving left of center.  (Which is why I so often find the Democrats attempt to label him as the next Adolph Hitler so amusing…)
The extreme disgust being expressed by the American people for the current state of affairs is directly linked to how far left our politicians lean. The disgust for the Democrats, was already there.  The disgust for the Republicans, only increased in the last 20 years or so, when the two started leaning toward leftist politics.

We don’t need a party of Tapscott’s description, here… We, in fact, already have a Trans partisan political party.  In the form, ironically, of both the Democrat and Republican parties.  Both are leaning so far to the left so as to be nearly indistinguishable from each other.

Even France is swinging to the right. The American people, in majority, long to do the same thing. What needs to happen, is the Republicans need to swing back to the right.  We need to unload the RINOS like McCain, etc, and become the party of America, once again.

Are you listening, Mel Martinez?

I doubt it.


More discussion at Heading Right and Don Surber has more, too.

So does OTB

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2 Responses to “Time for Republicans to Swing Right”


  1. Don Surber » Blog Archive » Line du jour
  2. The McGehee Zone