Bruce asks a question that will continue to be asked for the next few days:

How was this person allowed to move to another location and continue killing?

He then answers his own question:

And, of course, this worked out real well, didn’t it?

Gun bill got shot down by panel in January last year;campus was kept a gun-free zone.

One reader there says:

Like sheep lined up for slaughter. Expect the Leftist spin machine to turn this into a cause of creating more sheep

Roger Kimball:

Of the many things that can be said about the horrible shooting at Virginia Tech today, one thing that we have already heard too often is that the shooting is offers a compelling argument against citizens owning guns. Right on cue, Jim Sollo, representing Virginians Against Handgun Violence, told reporters that “We live in a society where guns are pretty well accepted. There are 200 million guns in this society and obviously some in the wrong hands.” Well, yes. And that means? That we should concentrate all instruments of violence in the hands of an increasingly bureaucratic and meddlesome state, thus rendering ordinary citizens even more defenseless? I don’t think so, but that is what well meaning people like Mr. Sollo, appropriately horrified by such slaughter as we have seen today, conclude. My own feeling is that if a few responsible students and faculty had been in possession of the requisite firearms they might have made the death toll a lot lower, or even–had been especially alert–eliminated it altogether, or at least reduced it to the gratifying number of one, that of the perpetrator.

BBCT to Billy for that one…

As the initial shock wears off you can bet that the anti-Second Amendment people wall be coming out of the woodwork.  By the time the evening network newscasts hit we will have no shortage of spokesmen for various anti-gun groups stepping forth to issue their tired call for an end to the private ownership of handguns.

This is undoubtedly the worst school shooting, high school, college or otherwise, in the history of our country.  There are some facts, however, about some of these school shootings of which you probably are not aware.  Do you know, for instance, that at least three shootings in high schools were stopped by civilians with guns?  Civilians, not law enforcement.  In one case a civilian was traveling past a school when he saw children running from the building.  One told him that there was a student inside shooting people.  The civilian pulled his gun, ran in side, and confronted the student.  The student put down the gun and surrendered.  In another case a high school vice-principal heard that there was a student in the hallways with a gun.  He sprinted a half-mile to his car.  He had a gun in his car so he had to park off campus.  He then sprinted back with the gun to confront the student.  Lives saved.

The point here is that you are never ever going to get the guns out of the hands of those who want to use them for carnage.  Never.  Gun control programs will only succeed in getting the guns out of the hands of people who want them and need them for self-defense.  Never, in the history of America’s gun control movement, has anyone set forth a viable program to get the guns out of the hands of those who would use them to commit crimes.  Similarly, the gun control movement will never give any fair coverage at all to the people who use guns to save their own lives, or the lives of others.

Billy Beck:

If only there had been an honest and brave person with a personal weapon, where all the video shows us these slug-ass cops running to & fro with all their fine army-man wannabe costuming. If only.

A commenter at Volokh:

I don’t think there are more crazy people, rather I think people are less able to defend themselves. VPI is, after all, a gun free zone.

This is merely a sample of the commentary across the blogs today.

It is flat out amazing, how much death and carnage has resulted from the government’s attempt to protect us from ourselves.  There’s a lesson in the killings today, and one that I doubt the left is going to be willing to learn.  Sadly, that means more people will die.  However, it is time to speak the plain truth; those people died, today, because there wasn’t one person who had the means of self defense.  Not one.  That means was taken away by a government fixated on law solving the problem. The ability of law to solve the problem was demonstrated very clearly, today.
It is, as Boortz said, today:

…you are never ever going to get the guns out of the hands of those who want to use them for carnage. Never. Gun control programs will only succeed in getting the guns out of the hands of people who want them and need them for self-defense. Never, in the history of America’s gun control movement, has anyone set forth a viable program to get the guns out of the hands of those who would use them to commit crimes.

The founders, in their wisdom, however, set forward a proposition that all men should have the ability to defend themselves against such individuals.  That’s why the second amendment was created.

It is time that we return to that profound wisdom.

While we are speaking the plain truth, let’s lay the blame for the 31 deaths today, squarely where it rightfully belongs: at the feet of gun control proponents, without whom, the group of sheeple, ripe for the slaughter, would not have been possible.

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2 Responses to “Virginia Tech: All It Would have Taken Was One Person with the Ability to Defend Themselves.”


  1. BitsBlog » at least 20 people shot and killed on campus of Virginia Tech Univers
  2. BitsBlog » Nightly ramble; an off color mood