Do you remember when the democrats were promising us lower gas prices?

I do.

At the moment, gallon of gas costing this on average about $2.68 nationally and that trend is rising.  The fact of the matter is that the price of gas is gone up on the order of 40% since this democratic Congress was sworn into office, and a year after swearing this almost exactly a year ago:

The reasons behind the rise? Since taking office, the democrats have been ducking the only solutions to the problem of gas prices; increased domestic drilling, more refining capacity, less governmental interference in energy policy. That lack of action, of course, is the best recipe to raise gasoline prices. All of which, the energy producers have been telling them, since Jump street.  They ignored it.

gas1.jpgOf course the Al-Gore driven enviro-whacko policies don’t help, either. Witness California, where prices are even higher.  And who runs California? Liberal Democrats, and RINO govenor. Never let it be said that the democrats were anything but consistent.  Consistently wrong, but consistent.

In any event, it is clear the Democrats, as usual, have not kept their promises.  The question is, how do we as a people react?

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