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The Most Recent Example of Strange Cases Making Bad Law

Leaving aside the argument of the relative worth of a supposedly conservative Court, If I were the Democrats I’d be worried.

The court just ruled the other day, essentially that all the other states don’t have a vested interest in how Pennsylvania runs its elections, even if they’re doing it unconstitutionally.

Assuming that ruling holds, ( it will) the Republicans can do any damn thing they want in some states and the Democrats wouldn’t be able to say anything about it. Postulate for example a law being passed in any state in the Union at the state level saying that the only people that can be elected to public office are Republicans. Unconstitutional? You betcha… and if it ever happened the Democrats would be justifiably screaming at volume 11. But with the precedent set with this ruling, who do you suppose they’re going to make challenge to?

And by the way, there’s this question also… If there is no vested interest one state to another about the second States unconstitutional act in a national election which affects us all, who in the world does have standing?

There is an old saying that extreme cases make bad law, There goes your proof.

Obviously something other than the bare facts of the case was weighing on the minds of the judges… For example, leftists rioting again.

Did you think those riots were all about racism, or for that matter about Trump per se’? No, as I said here at the time, that was all about flexing muscles as a demonstration of destructive ability should they not get their way.

Think, nothing has changed in those cities. No laws passed, no jobs created and yet suddenly things are peaceful once again. It’s as if those riots were created for another purpose altogether.

And it worked, the Supreme Court ruled in their favor, not on the merits of the case but because of the fear of cities burning again after actually upholding the Constitution.

They were..

Jazz Shaw [1] correctly suggests that our electoral system needs to be repaired long before 2024. The problem is the court has just swept the legs out from underneath any such effort.