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To Change Conditions, Behavior Must be Changed

The state of California, forever altruistic with money it doesn’t have, is teaching the rest of us a lesson as regards to “helping the disadvantaged.”

Thousands of homeless people have been housed in San Francisco’s empty hotels in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Well, that’s the stated reason. But observe closely what’s happened:

However, City Journal contributor Erica Sandberg told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Wednesday the policy has been an “absolute disaster,”

“It’s solving exactly nothing and as a matter of fact, it’s making all the problems worse,” said Sandberg, who described the scene inside the hotels as “about as bad as you can imagine, only exponentially worse.”

“You are talking drug-fueled parties, overdoses, deaths, people are being assaulted. You have sexual assaults going on, it is pandemonium,” she said. “It is extremely bad and it needs to stop.”

The thing is, it’s not like this stuff wasn’t totally predictable. You see, one of the things about helping the “disadvantaged”that’s kind of requirement for improving their situation is changing the behavior that got them in these situations in the first place.. not reinforcing their bad behavior.

There’s a secondary behavioral point to be made here as well…it’s not just Democrat Party elected officials that are failing to make the connection between behavior and conditions. We are about to see a massive Exodus from places run by Democrats because of the hellholes they’ve become. The problem is that the people escaping such places will in large part be bringing their voting habits with them, the Springfield Democrat Party policies with them.

By the way, did we mention that this is happening in Nancy Pelosi’s home district?

And wasn’t it just yesterday that we heard somebody mutter that hard work was a sign of whiteness? [1]