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Don’t Ever Do That Again

I can remember just a short while ago when toilet paper was supposedly in short supply and everyone was hording it. Maybe it’s just me, but have you seen any of the looters in Minneapolis or Los Angeles carrying large amounts of toilet paper?

For that matter, have you seen anybody involved in those riots “social distancing”? Even the Democrat Mayors are saying they’re not going to enforce social distancing rules on protesters. Just churchgoers. People trying to live their lives.

It seems obvious at this point that the suffering caused by the Coronavirus regulations are less important then the suffering caused by the “protests”.

As I said at the beginning… whatever else that was, the masking, social distancing all the rest of that nonsense had absolutely nothing to do with saving lives and more to do with altering the political structure, to favor the big government Democrats. Here’s a news flash….Don’t ever ask or order me to “flatten the curve” and give up my liberties again. I won’t comply, and I expect after what we’ve witnessed the last couple of months, nobody else will, either. Well, very few.