The Wuflu horses have escaped from the barn. The good news is the democrat presumptive nominee Slow Joe Biden (moron – DE) has announced plan to fight the virus. The bad that while the Wuflu horse have escaped, Slow Joe has no plans, or even see the need, to close the barn doors, from Breitbart:

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to combat the coronavirus in the United States does not include a single travel ban on any foreign country and revamps welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S. that President Trump’s administration has sought to end.

On Thursday, Biden unveiled a series of measures to fight the coronavirus but did not include so much as a travel ban on Wuhan, China, where the virus originated and where the majority of the more than 80,000 Chinese nationals infected with the coronavirus live.[…]

Biden’s coronavirus plan is similar to that of his 2020 Democrat opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in that both have effectively ruled out protecting American citizens by implementing travel bans. Sanders, this week, explicitly said that he would not close America’s borders even if it stopped the spread of the coronavirus.

There have been 1,422 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 38 deaths in the U.S.

Slow Joe is too concerned about pandering to his Chinese handers to worry about protecting the American public.